I landed in the UK on April 18th. Now, previous to this, I had spent about 9 weeks in temperatures ranging from about 20-30 degrees most days. So, when I landed in Scotland I was absolutely freezing despite the fact the Scots were all in t-shirts and dresses and celebrating their first warm days of spring. I was in approximately 4 layers and still frozen. It was about 17 degrees the first day and dropped down to about 13 the next. However, night time was absolutely FROZEN! Ok, that may be a bit dramatic but I felt like it was. I could see my breathe in the air!!!!
While I may have been shivering my tush off most of my time in Scotland I had a delightful time. It was a beautiful city with so much history. I would have to say that speaking in terms of architecture Edinburgh was probably one of the most beautiful cities I have seen to date!
Look up the story of Greyfriars Bobby if you don't already know it. All of the animal lovers will enjoy the story for sure! Plus, the sticks in the photo will make a bit more sense...
I also had the time to do a day trip to Loch Lomond and the Trussachs. After almost 18 years of reciting the lyrics to the Loch Lomond song with my bestie, Vanessa, I was so excited to see what bonnie, bonnie banks looked like. They were beautiful!
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